Brahmagupta – Biography


 Brahmagupta – Biography

Brahmagupta – Biography
Undoubtedly, India is the source of knowledge, science, and medicine for the world! Many sages have done a lot of research not only for their own selfish purposes but also for the betterment of the universe and have prepared a wealth of invaluable knowledge for the benefit of the people. Brahmagupta was one of the foremost sages of such knowledge. Brahmagupta is the teacher of the celestial father, like Aryabhata, who is worshiped by all astronomers. Historical research shows that Brahmagupta lived between 598 and 668 AD. Brahmagupta was born in the town of Bin mal in the state of Rajasthan in the year 598 AD at that time. Brahmagupta's father was Vishnu Gupta. Brahmagupta was the head of a scientific research institute in the reign of King Vyaghramukh. Brahmagupta was a genius in mathematics and astronomy. During his lifetime he wrote many books on mathematical equations and celestial mysteries. There is a strong belief in research that some of his writings have been circulated as a Brahmasputa theory. Brahmagupta. The naming of the book as Sind Hind without naming it in Arabic is a testament to the immense respect they have for Brahmagupta and for India.

Brahmasphuta Siddhanta: This is the Brahmasphuta Siddhanta text that has been adapted by our ancient scientific sages in India to be the standard text for astronomy, the Brahma Siddhanta, with more specific criteria relevant to the original text.

In this Brahmasphuta, Brahmagupta gave an extensive discussion on algebra and arithmetic. Brahmagupta was the first to formulate zero, which is said to be a milestone in mathematics! He formulated that the value of the number which added zero before any number does not change, and the element position of that number change if zero is added after any number. The number followed by one zero - decimal, two - percentage, three zeros - millennium proved that the value of a number of changes. He clarified that zero can be multiplied by any number, zero will come, and the value of any number subtracted from zero will not change. It was Brahmagupta who first introduced the principles of algebra to the world in the 18th chapter of the Brahmasputa theory.

 Astronomy: Gravity introduced me to the world by Brahmagupta. Brahmagupta clarified that the earth has a natural gravitational force and that the earth always attracts all living things and animals to its side, which is not called gravity. Astronomical astronomical astronomical calculations such as accurately calculating the motions of the planets in space, their sunrises, and sunsets, calculating the distances and angles between the planets during solar and lunar eclipses, and proving quantitatively that the rays of the sun fall on the moon to form the full moon. He asserted that the earth was spherical, not flat, as the ancestors had erred. He clarified that the sun was many thousands of miles away from the earth, and that is why the self-luminous moon was illuminated by the rays of the sun and caused the full moons on the earth due to the rotation angles of the planets. Brahmagupta was another great Indian astronomer who mastered the mathematical and astronomical mysteries that are still inaccessible to modern scientists, formulating them theoretically thousands of years ago and guiding generations like Aryabhata.

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